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主题:Relative Vigor Index, RVI创建人:metaQuotes (2005.12.22 14:36 )已下载:698下载:
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The main point of Relative Vigor Index Indicator (RVI) is that on the bull market the closing price is, as a rule, higher, than the opening price. It is the other way round on the bear market. So the idea behind Relative Vigor Index is that the vigor, or energy, of the move is thus established by where the prices end up at the close. To normalize the index to the daily trading range, divide the change of price by the maximum range of prices for the day. To make a more smooth calculation, one uses a symmetrically weighted moving average of the differences of the closing and openings prices, as well as maximum and minimum prices of the bar.
The best period at calculation of the indicator is considered 10. To avoid probable ambiguity one needs to construct a signal line, which is a symmetrically weighted moving averageof Relative Vigor Index values. The concurrence of lines serves as a signal to buy or to sell.
VALUE1 = ((CLOSE - OPEN) + 2 * (CLOSE (1)) – OPEN (1)) + 2*(CLOSE (2) – OPEN (2)) + (CLOSE (3) – OPEN (3))) / 6
VALUE2 = ((HIGH - LOW) + 2 * (HIGH (1) – LOW (1)) + 2*(HIGH (2)- LOW (2)) + (HIGH (3) – LOW (3))) / 6
RVISig = (RVI + 2 * RVI (1) + 2 * RVI (2) + RVI (3)) / 6
OPEN — is the opening price;
HIGH — is the maximum price;
LOW — is the minimum price;
CLOSE — is the closing price;
VALUE1 — symmetrically weighted moving average of the differences of the closing and openings prices;
VALUE2 — symmetrically weighted moving average of the differences of the maximum and minimum prices;
NUM — amount N importances of VALUE1;
DENUM —amount N importances of VALUE2;
RVI — value of the Relative Vigor Index indicator for the current bar;
RVISig — value of the RVI signal line for the current bar;
N — period of the smoothing.