#property copyright
指标 #property l
ink http://www.eazhijia.com
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_color1 clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_color2 clrSandyBrown
#property indicator_color3 clrSandyBrown
#property indicator_color4 clrRed
#property indicator_width1 3
#property indicator_width2 3
#property indicator_width3 3
#property indicator_style4 STYLE_DOT
#property strict
enum enPrices
pr_close, // Close
pr_open, // Open
pr_high, // High
pr_low, // Low
pr_median, // Median
pr_typical, // Typical
pr_weighted, // Weighted
pr_average, // Average (high+low+open+close)/4
pr_medianb, // Average median body (open+close)/2
pr_tbiased, // Trend biased price
pr_haclose, // Heiken ashi close
pr_haopen , // Heiken ashi open
pr_hahigh, // Heiken ashi high
pr_halow, // Heiken ashi low
pr_hamedian, // Heiken ashi median
pr_hatypical, // Heiken ashi typical
pr_haweighted, // Heiken ashi weighted
pr_haaverage, // Heiken ashi average
pr_hamedianb, // Heiken ashi median body
pr_hatbiased // Heiken ashi trend biased price
enum enDoWhat
do_sto, // Make stochastic using alma as price filter
do_alm, // Make alma smoothed stochastic
do_sta // Make stochastic with alma signal line
enum enColorOn
clr_onSlope, // Change color on slope change
nSignal // Change color on signal cross (o
nly if alma signal line chosen)
extern ENUM_TIMEf
rameS Timef
rame = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Time f
rame to use
extern int pperiod = 14; // Stochastic calculating period
extern int speriod = 14; // Stochastic slowing period
extern enPrices ppriceh = pr_high; // Price to use for high
extern enPrices ppricel = pr_low; // Price to use for low
extern enPrices ppricec = pr_close; // Price to use for close
extern int AlmaPeriod = 7; // Alma calculation length
extern double AlmaSigma = 8.0; // Alma sigma
extern double AlmaSample = 0.85; // Alma sample
extern enDoWhat doWhat = do_sto; // Make what?
extern enColorOn colorOn = clr_onSlope; // When should the color change?
extern int linesWidth = 3; // Lines width
extern bool Interpolate = true; // Interpolate in multi time f
rame mode?
double buffer[];
double bufferda[];
double bufferdb[];
double signal[];
double trend[];
string indicatorFileName;
bool returnBars;
int init()
SetIndexBuffer(0,buffer, INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexStyle(0,EMPTY,EMPTY,linesWidth);
SetIndexBuffer(1,bufferda,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexStyle(1,EMPTY,EMPTY,linesWidth);
SetIndexBuffer(2,bufferdb,INDICATOR_DATA); SetIndexStyle(2,EMPTY,EMPTY,linesWidth);
SetIndexBuffer(3,signal, INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer(4,trend ,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);
indicatorFileName = WindowExpertName();
returnBars = Timef
rame = MathMax(Timef
rame)+ stochastic alma ( +(string)pperiod+ , +(string)speriod+ , +(string)AlmaPeriod+ )
int start()
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
if(counted_bars 0) return(-1);
if(counted_bars 0) counted_bars--;
int limit=MathMin(Bars-counted_bars,Bars-2);
if (returnBars) { buffer[0] = MathMin(limit+1,Bars-1); return(0); }
if (Timef
rame != Period())
if (trend[limit]==-1) CleanPoint(limit,bufferda,bufferdb);
for(int i=limit; i i--)
int y = iBarShift(NULL,Timef
buffer[i] = iCustom(NULL,Timef
signal[i] = iCustom(NULL,Timef
trend[i] = iCustom(NULL,Timef
bufferda[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
bufferdb[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (!Interpolate || (i 0 y==iBarShift(NULL,Timef
rame,Time[i-1]))) continue;
int n,k; datetime time = iTime(NULL,Timef
for(n = 1; (i+n) Bars Time[i+n] = time; n++) continue;
for(k = 1; k n (i+n) Bars (i+k) Bars; k++)
buffer[i+k] = buffer[i] + (buffer[i+n] - buffer[i]) * k/n;
signal[i+k] = signal[i] + (signal[i+n] - signal[i]) * k/n;
for(int i=limit; i i--) if (trend[i] == -1) PlotPoint(i,bufferda,bufferdb,buffer);
if (trend[limit]==-1) CleanPoint(limit,bufferda,bufferdb);
for(int i=limit; i i--)
double priceh = getPrice(ppriceh,Open,Close,High,Low,i,0);
double pricel = getPrice(ppricel,Open,Close,High,Low,i,1);
double pricec = getPrice(ppricec,Open,Close,High,Low,i,2);
signal[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
bufferda[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
bufferdb[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if (doWhat==do_sto)
priceh = iAlma(priceh,AlmaPeriod,AlmaSigma,AlmaSample,i,0);
pricel = iAlma(pricel,AlmaPeriod,AlmaSigma,AlmaSample,i,1);
pricec = iAlma(pricec,AlmaPeriod,AlmaSigma,AlmaSample,i,2);
buffer[i] = NormalizeDouble(iStoch(pricec,priceh,pricel,pperiod,speriod,i),_Digits);
if (doWhat==do_alm)
buffer[i] = iAlma(iStoch(pricec,priceh,pricel,pperiod,speriod,i),AlmaPeriod,AlmaSigma,AlmaSample,i,3);
if (doWhat==do_sta)
buffer[i] = iStoch(pricec,priceh,pricel,pperiod,speriod,i);
signal[i] = iAlma(buffer[i],AlmaPeriod,AlmaSigma,AlmaSample,i,3);
if (i Bars-1)
trend[i] = trend[i+1];
if (doWhat==do_sta clr_onSignal)
if (buffer[i] signal[i]) trend[i] = 1;
if (buffer[i] signal[i]) trend[i] = -1;
if (buffer[i] buffer[i+1]) trend[i] = 1;
if (buffer[i] buffer[i+1]) trend[i] = -1;
if (trend[i] == -1) PlotPoint(i,bufferda,bufferdb,buffer);
double workSto[][5];
#define _hi 0
#define _lo 1
#define _re 2
#define _ma 3
#define _mi 4
double iStoch(double priceR, double priceH, double priceL, int period, int slowing, int i, int instanceNo=0)
if (ArrayRange(workSto,0)!=Bars) ArrayResize(workSto,Bars); i = Bars-i-1; instanceNo *= 5;
workSto[i][_hi+instanceNo] = priceH;
workSto[i][_lo+instanceNo] = priceL;
workSto[i][_re+instanceNo] = priceR;
workSto[i][_ma+instanceNo] = priceH;
workSto[i][_mi+instanceNo] = priceL;
for (int k=1; k period (i-k) k++)
workSto[i][_mi+instanceNo] = MathMin(workSto[i][_mi+instanceNo],workSto[i-k][_lo+instanceNo]);
workSto[i][_ma+instanceNo] = MathMax(workSto[i][_ma+instanceNo],workSto[i-k][_hi+instanceNo]);
double sumlow = 0.0;
double sumhigh = 0.0;
for(int k=0; k slowing (i-k) k++)
sumlow += workSto[i-k][_re+instanceNo]-workSto[i-k][_mi+instanceNo];
sumhigh += workSto[i-k][_ma+instanceNo]-workSto[i-k][_mi+instanceNo];
else return(0);
#define almaInstances 4
double almaWork[][almaInstances];
double almaCoeffs[];
double iAlma(double price, int period, double sigma, double sample, int r, int instanceNo=0)
if (period =1) return(price);
if (ArrayRange(almaWork,0)!=Bars) ArrayResize(almaWork,Bars); r = Bars-r-1; almaWork[r][instanceNo] = price;
if (ArraySize(almaCoeffs)!=period) ArrayResize(almaCoeffs,period);
double m = MathFloor(sample * (period - 1.0));
double s = period/sigma;
for (int i=0; i period; i++)
almaCoeffs[i] = MathExp(-((i-m)*(i-m))/(2.0*s*s));
double sum=0;
double div=0;
for (int k=0; k period (r-k) k++)
sum += almaCoeffs[k]*almaWork[r-k][instanceNo];
div += almaCoeffs[k];
double alma = price; if (div!=0) alma = sum/div;
void CleanPoint(int i,double first[],double second[])
if ((second[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) (second[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE))
second[i+1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if ((first[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) (first[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE) (first[i+2] == EMPTY_VALUE))
first[i+1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
void PlotPoint(int i,double first[],double second[],double from[])
if (i =Bars-2) return;
if (first[i+1] == EMPTY_VALUE)
if (first[i+2] == EMPTY_VALUE)
{ first[i] = from[i]; first[i+1] = from[i+1]; second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }
else { second[i] = from[i]; second[i+1] = from[i+1]; first[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }
else { first[i] = from[i]; second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }
double workHa[][12];
double getPrice(int tprice, co
nst double open[], co
nst double close[], co
nst double high[], co
nst double low[], int i, int instanceNo=0)
if (tprice =pr_haclose)
if (ArrayRange(workHa,0)!= Bars) ArrayResize(workHa,Bars); instanceNo*=4;
int r = Bars-i-1;
double haOpen;
if (r 0)
haOpen = (workHa[r-1][instanceNo+2] + workHa[r-1][instanceNo+3])/2.0;
else haOpen = (open[i]+close[i])/2;
double haClose = (open[i] + high[i] + low[i] + close[i]) / 4.0;
double haHigh = MathMax(high[i], MathMax(haOpen,haClose));
double haLow = MathMin(low[i] , MathMin(haOpen,haClose));
if(haOpen haClose) { workHa[r][instanceNo+0] = haLow; workHa[r][instanceNo+1] = haHigh; }
else { workHa[r][instanceNo+0] = haHigh; workHa[r][instanceNo+1] = haLow; }
workHa[r][instanceNo+2] = haOpen;
workHa[r][instanceNo+3] = haClose;
switch (tprice)
case pr_haclose: return(haClose);
case pr_haopen: return(haOpen);
case pr_hahigh: return(haHigh);
case pr_halow: return(haLow);
case pr_hamedian: return((haHigh+haLow)/2.0);
case pr_hamedianb: return((haOpen+haClose)/2.0);
case pr_hatypical: return((haHigh+haLow+haClose)/3.0);
case pr_haweighted: return((haHigh+haLow+haClose+haClose)/4.0);
case pr_haaverage: return((haHigh+haLow+haClose+haOpen)/4.0);
case pr_hatbiased:
if (haClose haOpen)
else return((haLow+haClose)/2.0);
switch (tprice)
case pr_close: return(close[i]);
case pr_open: return(open[i]);
case pr_high: return(high[i]);
case pr_low: return(low[i]);
case pr_median: return((high[i]+low[i])/2.0);
case pr_medianb: return((open[i]+close[i])/2.0);
case pr_typical: return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i])/3.0);
case pr_weighted: return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i]+close[i])/4.0);
case pr_average: return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i]+open[i])/4.0);
case pr_tbiased:
if (close[i] open[i])
else return((low[i]+close[i])/2.0);
string sTfTable[] = { M1 , M5 , M10 , M15 , M30 , H1 , H4 , D1 , W1 , MN
int iTfTable[] = {1,5,10,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200};
string timef
rameToString(int tf)
for (int i=ArraySize(iTfTable)-1; i i--)
if (tf==iTfTable[i]) return(sTfTable[i]);