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//| FarhadCrab1.mq4 |
//| Copyright ?2006, Farhad Farshad |
//| http://www.fxperz.com |
//| http://farhadfarshad.com |
//| This EA is optimized to work on |
//| GBP/JPY GBP/USD EUR/USD M1 Timeframe ... if you want the optimized |
//| EA s for any currency pair please |
//| mail me at: info@farhadfarshad.com |
//| This is the first version of this EA. If |
//| you want the second edition ('FarhadCrab2.mq4') |
//| with considerably better performance mail me. 'FarhadMagic.mq4' and |
//| 'Farhad2.mq4' are also available from this series. |
//| (They are not free and they don't have trial version!) |
//| Enjoy a better automatic investment:) with at least 100% a month. |
//| If you get money from this EA please donate some to poor people of your country.|
#property copyright Copyright ?2006, Farhad Farshad
#property link http://www.fxperz.com
#include stdlib.mqh
extern double lTakeProfit =10; // recomended no more than 20
extern double sTakeProfit =10; // recomended no more than 20
extern double takeProfit =10; // recomended no more than 20
extern double stopLoss =40; // do not use s/l at all. Take it easy man. I'll guarantee your profit :)
extern int magicEA =114; // Magic EA identifier. Allows for several co-existing EA with different input values
extern double lTrailingStop =8; // trail stop in points
extern double sTrailingStop =8; // trail stop in points
extern color clOpenBuy =Blue; //Different colors for different positions
extern color clCloseBuy =Aqua; //Different colors for different positions
extern color clOpenSell =Red; //Different colors for different positions
extern color clCloseSell =Violet; //Different colors for different positions
extern color clModiBuy =Blue; //Different colors for different positions
extern color clModiSell =Red; //Different colors for different positions
extern int Slippage =2;
extern double Lots =0.05;// you can change the lot but be aware of margin. Its better to trade with 1/4 of your capital.
extern string nameEA = FarhadCrab1.mq4 // To easy read which EA place an specific order and remember me forever :)
extern double vVolume;
double macdHistCurrent, macdHistPrevious, macdSignalCurrent, macdSignalPrevious, highCurrent, lowCurrent;
double stochHistCurrent, stochHistPrevious, stochSignalCurrent, stochSignalPrevious;
double sarCurrent, sarPrevious, momCurrent, momPrevious;
double maLongCurrent, maShortCurrent, maLongPrevious, maShortPrevious, faRSICurrent;
double realTP, realSL, faMiddle, faHighest, faLowest, closeCurrent, closeCurrentD, closePreviousD;
int cnt, ticket;
bool isBuying=false, isSelling=false, isBuyClosing=false, isSellClosing=false;
//| |
void deinit()
//| |
int start()
// *****This line is for some reason very important. you'd better settle all your account at the end of day.*****
//System Stoploss based on LongTerm Moving Average (Fibo 55 day MA)
//StopLoss For Buy Positions (Optional)
if ((maLongCurrent closeCurrentD) (maLongPrevious closePreviousD))
//StopLoss For Sell Positions (Optional)
if ((maLongCurrent closeCurrentD) (maLongPrevious closePreviousD))
// Check for invalid bars and takeprofit
if(Bars 200)
Print( Not enough bars for this strategy - , nameEA);
calculateIndicators(); // Calculate indicators' value
//Check for TakeProfit Conditions
if(lTakeProfit 10)
Print( TakeProfit less than 10 on this EA with Magic - , magicEA );
if(sTakeProfit 10)
Print( TakeProfit less than 10 on this EA with Magic - , magicEA);
//Introducing new expressions
double faClose0 =iLow(NULL,0,0);
double faMA1 =iMA(NULL,0,9,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,0);
//double faMA2 = iMAonArray(faMA1,0,9,0,MODE_EMA,0);
//double faMA4 = iMAonArray(faMA2,0,9,0,MODE_EMA,0);
double faClose2 =iHigh(NULL,0,0);
double faMA3 =iMA(NULL,0,9,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_OPEN,0);
double stochHistCurrent =iStochastic(NULL,0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0);
double sarCurrent =iSAR(NULL,0,0.002,0.2,0); // Parabolic Sar Current
double sarPrevious =iSAR(NULL,0,0.002,0.2,1); //Parabolic Sar Previous
double vVolume =iVolume(NULL,0,0); // Current Volume
//double faMAvVolume = iMAonArray(vVolume,0,9,0,MODE_SMA,0); //Simple Moving Average
double faHighest =Highest(NULL,PERIOD_H4,MODE_HIGH,30,0); // Highest High in an interval of time
double faLowest =Lowest(NULL,PERIOD_H4,MODE_LOW,30,0); //Lowest Low in an interval of time
double faMiddle =(faHighest+faLowest)/2; //...
//Check Margin Requirement
if(AccountFreeMargin() (1000*Lots))
Print( We have no money. Free Margin = , AccountFreeMargin());
//Buy Condition
if (!takeBuyPositions())
//if ((faClose0 faMA1 faBandWidth faMABandWidth)){
if ((faClose0 faMA1))
//if (OrdersTotal()==1 (faClose2 faMA3)) {OpenSell();}
//if (OrdersTotal()==2 (faClose2 faMA3)) {OpenSell();}
//if (OrdersTotal()==3 (faClose2 faMA3)) {OpenSell();}
//Sell Condition
//if ((faClose2 faMA3 faBandWidth faMABandWidth)){
if (!takeSellPositions())
if ((faClose2 faMA3))
//if (OrdersTotal()==1 (faClose0 faMA1)) {OpenBuy();}
//if (OrdersTotal()==2 (faClose0 faMA1)) {OpenBuy();}
//if (OrdersTotal()==3 (faClose0 faMA1)) {OpenBuy();}
//Close Buy Condition
//Trailing expressions
//Number of Buy Positions
//| |
bool takeBuyPositions()
int j ;
if ((OrdersTotal()==0)) {j=0;}
if (maLongCurrent closeCurrent)
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 300) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=1;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 600) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=2;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 900) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=3;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 1200) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=4;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 1500) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=5;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 1800) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=6;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 2100) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=7;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 2400) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=8;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 2700) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=9;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3000) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=10;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3300) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=11;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3600) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=12;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3900) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=13;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 4200) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=14;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 4500) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=15;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 4800) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=16;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 5100) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=17;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 5400) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=18;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 5700) (sarCurrent lowCurrent)) {j=19;}
for(int i=j; i OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() OrderMagicNumber()==magicEA)
//Number of Sell Positions
//| |
bool takeSellPositions()
int j ;
if ((OrdersTotal()==0)) {j=0;}
if (maLongCurrent closeCurrent)
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 300) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=1;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 600) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=2;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 900) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=3;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 1200) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=4;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 1500) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=5;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 1800) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=6;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 2100) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=7;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 2400) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=8;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 2700) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=9;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3000) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=10;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3300) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=11;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3600) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=12;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 3900) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=13;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 4200) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=14;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 4500) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=15;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 4800) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=16;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 5100) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=17;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 5400) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=18;}
if ((CurTime()-OrderOpenTime() 5700) (sarCurrent highCurrent)) {j=19;}
for(int i=j; i OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() OrderMagicNumber()==magicEA)
//| |
void TrailingPositionsBuy(int trailingStop)
for(int i=0; i OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() OrderMagicNumber()==magicEA)
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY)
if (Bid-OrderOpenPrice() trailingStop*Point)
if (OrderStopLoss() Bid-trailingStop*Point)
//| |
void TrailingPositionsSell(int trailingStop)
for(int i=0; i OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() OrderMagicNumber()==magicEA)
if (OrderType()==OP_SELL)
if (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask trailingStop*Point)
if (OrderStopLoss() Ask+trailingStop*Point ||
//| |
void ModifyStopLoss(double ldStopLoss)
bool fm;
//| |
void OpenBuy()
double ldLot, ldStop, ldTake;
string lsComm;
//| |
void OpenSell()
double ldLot, ldStop, ldTake;
string lsComm;
//| |
string GetCommentForOrder() { return(nameEA); }
//| |
double GetSizeLot() { return(Lots); }
//| |
double GetTakeProfitBuy() { return(Ask+lTakeProfit*Point); }
//| |
double GetTakeProfitSell() { return(Bid-sTakeProfit*Point); }
//| |
void calculateIndicators()
// Calculate indicators' value
macdHistCurrent =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_OPEN,MODE_MAIN,0);
macdHistPrevious =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_OPEN,MODE_MAIN,1);
macdSignalCurrent =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_OPEN,MODE_SIGNAL,0);
macdSignalPrevious =iMACD(NULL,0,12,26,9,PRICE_OPEN,MODE_SIGNAL,1);
stochHistCurrent =iStochastic(NULL,0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0);
stochHistPrevious =iStochastic(NULL,0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,1);
stochSignalCurrent =iStochastic(NULL,0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0);
sarCurrent =iSAR(NULL,0,0.009,0.2,0); // Parabolic Sar Current
sarPrevious =iSAR(NULL,0,0.009,0.2,1); //Parabolic Sar Previous
momCurrent =iMomentum(NULL,0,14,PRICE_OPEN,0); // Momentum Current
momPrevious =iMomentum(NULL,0,14,PRICE_OPEN,1); // Momentum Previous
highCurrent =iHigh(NULL,0,0); //High price Current
lowCurrent =iLow(NULL,0,0); //Low Price Current
closeCurrent =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H4,0); //Close Price Current for H4 Timeframe
closeCurrentD =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0); //Close Price Current for D1 Timeframe
closePreviousD =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1); //Close Price Previous for D1 Timeframe
maLongCurrent =iMA(NULL,PERIOD_D1,55,1,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,0); //Current Long Term Moving Average
maLongPrevious =iMA(NULL,PERIOD_D1,55,1,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,1); //Previous Long Term Moving Average
maShortCurrent =iMA(NULL,0,2,1,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,0); //Current Short Term Moving Average
maShortPrevious =iMA(NULL,0,2,1,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_TYPICAL,1); //Previous Long Term Moving Average
faRSICurrent =iRSI(NULL,0,14,PRICE_TYPICAL,0); //Current RSI
// Check for BUY, SELL, and CLOSE signal
isBuying =false;
//| |
void CloseBuyPositions()
for(int i=0; i OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() OrderMagicNumber()==magicEA)
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Lots,Bid,Slippage);
//| |
void CloseSellPositions()
for(int i=0; i OrdersTotal(); i++)
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() OrderMagicNumber()==magicEA)
if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),Lots,Ask,Slippage);